Soul Fitness Coaching
Body Fitness + Mental Fitness + Soul Fitness = Abundant Life
Robert Burlingham MDiv, ICF, PQ mental fitness coach, UMC Elder (retired)
The picture of Andrea, my wife, and I was taken at Bryce Canyon.
My name is Robert Burlingham. When I turned 40 I resigned by position as Operations Manager at a private Country Club. I attended seminary at Candler School of Theology, Emory University. Prior to retirement I served 28 years as an Elder in the United Methodist Church. I now work as an ICF Life Coach and Positive Intelligence Mental Fitness Coach.
My interest and passions are varied. My undergraduate work focused on ornamental horticulture and turf grass management. I enjoy gardening, cooking, cycling, and carving, My wife, Andrea, and I recently purchased a motorhome. Tiamat and Kacu, our Boykin Spaniels, journey with us as we explore the places on our bucket list. I am deeply curious about the intersection of theology, quantum physics, and neuroscience. The writings of Dr. James Bryan Smith continue to inspire me to be an Apprentice of Christ Jesus. I am a student of Henri Nouwen, Richard Rohr, and Anthony De Mello. Shirzad Chamine's book and six-week program, Positive Intelligence, provides an operating system that lets me escape my judgmental mind, heal my heart, and restore my soul.
During the five years I volunteered as an Emergency Medical Technician, CPR Instructor, and Basic EMT Instructor my eyes were opened to the power and human need of compassion and empathy. Serving United Methodist congregations personalized these basic human needs. I have an off and on relationship with depression. I have first hand experience with the lure of "Successful Ministry" and the pitfalls of Ministry Burnout. I am passionate about freeing life long church members from their fear of death, fear of God, and fears about their share in Jesus' promise of eternal life.
I prefer to Coach pastors, lay people, and those who work for the Fire Department, EMS, and Rescue. Coaching is like being what Henri Nouwen calls The Wounded Healer. It is an opportunity to co-create the place Shirzad Chamine calls "blameless discernment". Imagine entering a place where you gain Knowledge from exploring the past with the Power of blameless discernment which Inspires you to be Present with God, self, and neighbor.
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The Hospitality of Abraham, by Andrei Rublev. The position of the chalice invites us to the Communion Table to experience mercy, at the table of grace, to be clothed WITH unconditional love.
Imagine a place where you enter into your Beliefs, experience their Spirit, and let your self be fully Present. It is not a University, virtual classroom, or seminar. It takes a different kind of courage to journey into the depths of your Body, Mind, and Soul.
Courage is also what it takes to listen to hear your troubled mind and broken heart. It takes courage to deliver your heart and mind from self judgement. Such courage heals the Soul. The Soul reveals your true self, your Life purpose.
Empathy is the power to deny our Beliefs in order to discover unity in suffering. Compassion is a Spirit that delivers us from suffering. Presence heals the Soul.
We have been taught to focus on the past and to plan for the future. These two skills are vital for our survival. Survival rises out of fear and or dependance on another person.
For example: What word describes the way you think and feel when a neighbor does something TO you? The words trespass, sin, and suffering comes to my mind. What word describes the way you think and feel when a neighbor does something FOR you. The words friend and promise stir my heart. What word describes abiding WITH another person. Words like patience, communion, unity, and oneness describe my experiences of being with others.
The name Jesus means "Jehovah is salvation". The Prophet Isaiah says messiah will be known as Immanuel, God WITH us. I know what people believe God does TO sinners. I believe Jesus suffered sin and died at the hands of his judges. I believe Jesus prayed for me and all of humanity, "Father forgive them they do not know what they are doing." I trust that unconditional love, yes, the Fruit of the Spirit, resurrected Jesus from sin and death to Life Eternal. I believe but faith is trust in His Promises. John records the nature and power of faith in Christ Jesus. 'Jesus said to them again, Peace be WITH you. As the Father sent the Son, so I send you."
Imagine being sent into your heart and mind to be delivered from your suffering, sin, and fear for the purpose of being healed in Jesus' presence. In his presence we experience the two movements Salvation. Jesus delivers us from thinking and feeling forsaken by God. He delivers us from sin to grace. Grace is the place God heals us with unconditional love. The words that describes such experiences are Immanuel, Peace, Sabbath, and The Kingdom of Heaven.
As your Coach I listen to hear your heart and mind. I ask questions that let you make peace with the past and your plans for the future. Such peace, that is beyond Knowledge, delivers the broken heart and troubled mind from fear and suffering. This peace heals the Soul. It lets you take a seat at the table of Grace here on earth as it is in heaven. Imagine being clothed in unconditional love that lets you be like Jesus here on earth as He is in Heaven.
I was introduced to Positive Intelligence the year of my retirement from Parrish ministry. I quickly experienced the PQ Operating System as the bridge that connects Christianity and science.
My experience of Shirzad Chamine's six - week course is described in John 20: 21-23. Jesus speaks to his disciples saying "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you. When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, receive the Holy Spirit " Now is the time. Today is the day.
I contended that peace and patience are states of being. They are not another thing to work on or to labor to achieve! I knew that one part of my brain is hardwired for survival. This part of my brain focuses on peacekeeping. My studies revealed that the prefrontal cortex is the least developed part of the human brain . Neuroscience discovered that this part of the brain lights up more that any other when we experience peace beyond the logic and reason of the survival mind. PQ equips me to shift from the daily grind of the peacekeeper to being the blessed peacemaker. (Matthew 5:9)
The PQ Operating System lets me develop pathways into my prefrontal cortex. In every way PQ equips me for repentance. The word metanoia , repent, means to literally reach the end of one way of thinking only to seek a new mind and heart. The Apostle Paul speaks of repentance this way, "Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus."
It is said that hindsight is 20/20 vision. I see how Judge, Stickler, and Victim are like a double - edged sword. Shirzad teaches that our Saboteurs are our greatest strength and weakness. I cannot go back into my past and turn my failures into successes. I can offer the gift of Positive Intelligence to people who have reached the end of their survival mind and desire to learn the way of peace.
Are you seeking another way? Scripture calls it Peace, Love, The Fruit of the Spirit, the Kingdom of Heaven, the Body of Christ... What do you call it? Are you ready to learn its way?
I invite you to explore the slideshow on the left side of this page. Second, follow the links below. Meet your Saboteurs by completing the Saboteur Assessment. Next, take the PQ Score Assessment. It will help you see how often your Sabotuers run your life for you. Once you have completed these assessment schedule a Coaching Session with me. You will find my Contact Information by clicking the Contact Information button in the banner at the top of the page.
The first Coaching session is my gift to you. Also be aware that scholarships are available for the Six Week PQ Course.
To receive the results of the assessments you will need to give Positive Intelligence an email address. To my knowledge they respect your privacy.