Coach Robert's Blog

Body Fitness + Mental Fitness + Soul Fitness = Abundant Life

Who is in Command?

Looking at the image on the left what do you see?  I see three people.  In the woman's eyes I see wonder combined with presence.  Her eyes and the angle of her head implies she is with me. The shadow figures sitting on her shoulders reminds me that she has a past and a longing for the future.  They are detached. One looks to the future.  The other lives in the past. I wonder who will show up the next time we meet!  Will she be emotionally and mentally tangled up in the past?  Will she take me on a trip into the future?  Will she be present with me? 

The better question is "How will I show up?"  Will I be present, tangled in the past, or on a journey into the future?  Positive Intelligence teaches that the answer to this questions rest in Self - Command.  If your life is anything like mine,  your past is filled with people who taught  you what to believe, think, and feel. It took me years of study, meditation, and prayer to realize that these people compete for my mind, heart, and actions.  Furthermore, they are not God.  

In Genesis 12:1-4 I hear God's inviting Abram to experience something similar to PQ's Self -Command. God tells Abram to leave his country, kindred, and his father's house.  So he does.  He physically leaves his country, his extended family, and his father and mother.  But notice that physical separation does not remove his memories of the past.  His mind and heart are like a treasure chest.  They are filled with voices of teachers, caregivers, leaders, and heroes.  They  insist their way is right and good.  

To go to the place God promised Abram, he had to learn to hear God's voice in the midst of all those other voices.  The text gives us a clue about the nature of God's voice.  God promises to bless Abram.  Yes it says that God will bless those who bless Abram and curse those who curse him.  But notice that Abram is to only be a blessing.  He is to bless those who curse him!

When I choose to curse my neighbor or may self, I have lost sight of God and the Promise! PQ calls this Judge/Saboteur Hijacking. 

The very nature of a Promise gives us a second clue about God's nature.  The one who makes the Promise is the only one that can fulfill it.  God Promises to Bless Abram.  Abram is to be a blessing to all people.  Through the Blessing their two natures become ONE.

Sometimes I get distracted by land, borders, nations, clans, and tribes.  There GPS coordinates gives me a  location.  The location is the land, the place that God calls me to be the Blessing! There are a lot of cursed people in this land.  They all have a past filled with suffering and death.  Many of them look to the future with hope of a blessing.  Today is the day.  Now is the time.  Bless those who curse you.  Bless, do not curse. Be the blessing and discover God with you, in you, and reaching through you to your neighbor. 

PQ teaches that every negative situation, the curse, can be turned into a gift, the blessing.  Contact me If you would like to explore the way PQ intersects the Promises of Christ Jesus. You may make a Coaching Appointment on the "Calendar" page.

One in Christ,


Body Fitness + Mental Fitness + Soul Fitness = Abundant Life